Our Performance
“African Treasure Gala & Awards Ceremony
Presenting the inaugural Baba Crowder Award Ceremony
KULU MELE’s Artistic Director Transition & Birthday Celebration / Award Ceremony
Join us for an unforgettable evening as we celebrate Kulu Mele’s 54th Anniversary. We will present the inaugural Baba Crowder Award to both Joe Quinones and David
Harrison for their significant contributions to the organization. Additionally, the awards gala will honor the incredible 50+ years in servant leadership and legacy of Dorothy Wilkie, affectionately known as Mama Dotty. During our gala we will uplift her in celebrate of her birthday, and retirement, which will mark a significant transition for Kulu Mele regarding our artistic direction.
Participate in Our Sponsorship Program Book:
Support Kulu Mele by featuring your business or personalized message in our sponsorship program book. Your contribution will directly support Kulu Mele’s youth programs, helping to nurture the next generation of artists. Various sponsorship packages are available to suit your needs. For more information, please contact us at info@kulumele.org. (Make payment through Baba Crowder General Fund)